October 17, 2023

Dad's guide to Pregnancy.

Finding out that you are going to become a parent is an emotional experience, if you are the partner of a pregnant woman; the closer you are as a couple the more you will be able to share this amazing pregnancy journey together. 

Start by giving your partner some practical support like taking care of the food shopping, cooking and cleaning, make your partner feel like she is not alone in this. Take on the health adjustments with her, like quitting alcohol, smoking and sticking to healthy eating.

Do your best to attend as many healthcare visits with her, if anything is not right she will have you close by for support. Go on that journey with her and get as much knowledge as possible, make sure to talk about writing the birth plan together, this could also be a fun task for you as a couple.

Your partner might be the one carrying the baby but that doesn’t mean that the pregnancy has no impact on you, this is a life changing event and change like this can be overwhelming at times. You might worry about the finances, your home not being right, the feeling of being left out.

Whatever the feelings you are experiencing, make sure that you stand together and understand how each of you plays an important role in making this a wonder memory, even throughout the ups and the downs.

Dad, we created a section on the app just for you, download the ‘My Pregnancy Journey’ app available on any of the App Store and follow the journey with your partner.

*All of our information are only guidelines and are not intended to replace the advice of a professional medical specialist; we are providing information to you on a general information basis only.  My Pregnancy Journey disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. 

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